Graduating nursing students seeking employment face a
wealth of opportunities representing a variety of
employment settings. To the new nurse, these choices can
be overwhelming and confusing as recruiters from
competing organizations vie for nurses’ attention and
interest. The SNYA recruitment approach of providing
individualized and personalized attention to each
prospective student results in graduates’ enthusiastic
and positive responses to SNYA’s recruitment efforts,
thereby enabling the Association to maximize referrals
to member facilities. SNYA strives to identify, recruit,
and retain the right nurse for the right facility.
SNYA has a rich history with schools of practical
nursing in the metropolitan area and represents
facilities in the Association at job fairs and career
day events where every effort is made to establish an
initial bond with the graduates and build a relationship
that will result in employment with member facilities.
This relationship development requires frequent and
extensive interaction with graduates as well as
completion of an assessment of their interests and
skills that coincides with opportunities as represented
by individual facilities. The assessment and nurturing
that is the key to successful nurse placement and
retention is a hallmark of SNYA efforts and noted to be
of great value to graduating nurses and employers
resulting in reported satisfaction by both parties. This
approach is so highly successful that word-of-mouth
advertising among nurses results in peer referrals that
augment SNYA’s strategic recruitment efforts.